
We’re excited about presenting our newest shoe collection at the 135th Canton Fair from May 1st to May 5th, 2024. It was an amazing experience! We want to thank all our customers who visited our booth at 2.2 H17-18 | 5.2 K27. Your support meant a lot to us.

At the fair, we showcased a variety of shoes, including basketball, running, casual, outdoor, and tennis shoes, etc, see our photos during the exhibition:

135th Clarco Canton Fair 135th Clarco Canton Fair -1

If you couldn’t have the time to attend the fair, it’s OK, you still have the chance to visit us in Jinjiang, see our detailed address here:

13th Canton Fair

Please contact us if you would like to visit us in Jinjiang:

Contact Person: Annie Lee
Phone Number: +86-13625974599
Email: [email protected]

We look forward to hearing from you! Our sales representatives will guide you through every style of shoe you’re interested in, whether it’s based on your sketch or from our showroom. (Don’t forget to tell us where you find us, such as Via Clarco Official Website, it’s better for us to arrange the corresponding sales representative for you. Thank you for your cooperation)


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  1. Shraf Uddin June 30, 2024 at 1:11 am - Reply

    I am interested business with you.

    • clarco-annie July 6, 2024 at 12:33 am - Reply

      I appreciate your interest, our sales will contact you!

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