
We were thrilled to have you at our booth during the exciting Magic Show (Sourcing at Magic) 2023 in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA from August 7-9. We sincerely appreciate your visit and the opportunity to showcase our latest collection of footwear, including basketball, running, casual, outdoor, and tennis shoes at Booth No.: C2-62025.

As this incredible event has now come to a close, we want to express our gratitude for your support and participation. Your presence at our booth allowed us to share our newest designs and offer a glimpse into the latest trends in the footwear industry. We hope that you enjoyed exploring our products and found inspiration in our offerings.

Magic Show

We understand that not everyone can make it to the fair, but fear not! For those who are unable to attend this incredible event, we extend a warm invitation to visit our office in JinJiang, located in the shoe capital city of China.

Our Contact Methods:

Our Office Address: 7th Floor, Business BLDG. No.234-1 Qiguang East RD, HanDai Village, ChenDai, JinJiang, Fujian, China.

Contact: Annie Lee

Email-Address: [email protected] | [email protected]

Open Hours: Monday – Saturday: 8am – 6pm (China Beijing Time GMT+8)

For more information about Clarco Shoes Factory, please don’t hesitate to browse our official website: https://www.clarco.com


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Kategorien: KenntnisseStichworte: , , 215 words1.1 min read

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